Population eateries in the NT

This datasheet was prepared by TourismNT.

Sr.No. name addrLine1 city_suburb postcode latitude longitude primaryTelephoneNumber facebookURL emailEnquiries url
1 Wharf One 19 Kitchener Drive Darwin City 0800 -12.4680943 130.8464178 889410033 www.facebook.com/wharfone functions@wharfone.com.au www.wharfone.com.au
2 Treetops Restaurant Travelodge Mirambeena Resort Darwin Darwin 0800 -12.45968796 130.8406878 1300886886 tmrd@travelodge.com.au www.travelodge.com.au
3 The Precinct Tavern 7 Kitchener Drive Darwin City 0800 -12.4666314 130.846683 889419000 https://www.facebook.com/theprecincttavern/photos/?tab=album&album_id=492487300778686 functions@theprecincttavern.com.au www.theprecincttavern.com.au
4 The Deck Bar 22 Mitchell Street Darwin 0800 -12.4652071 130.8425504 889423001 https://facebook.com/thedeckbardarwin Info@thedeckbar.com.au www.thedeckbar.com.au/
5 The Cav 12 Cavenagh Street Darwin 0800 -12.46315554 130.8440217 889416383 www.facebook.com/pages/The-Cavenagh-Hotel/276641096398 ricki@thecavenagh.com www.thecavenagh.com
6 Snapper Rocks Bar & Kitchen 7 Kitchener Drive Darwin City 0800 -12.4666314 130.846683 889006928 https://www.facebook.com/SnapperRocksNT/ info@snapper.rocks www.snapper.rocks
7 Dragon Court Restaurant Gilruth Avenue The Gardens 0820 -12.4445986 130.8340168 889438940 www.skycitydarwin.com.au/restaurants/dragon-court/
8 Carpentaria Grill Robinson Road Borroloola 0854 -16.0702956 136.3072142 889758883 https://www.facebook.com/carpentariagrill reception@savannahwaymotel.com.au www.savannahwaymotel.com.au
9 Saffrron Restaurant Shop 14 Parap 0820 -12.43198754 130.844121 889812383 www.facebook.com/saffrron info@saffrron.com www.saffrron.com
10 The Fork and Dagger 9 Maluka Drive Palmerston City 0830 -12.4811011 130.988329 889836666 https://www.facebook.com/theforkanddagger/ switch_rydgespalmerston@evt.com www.rydges.com/accommodation/darwin-nt/rydges-palmerston-darwin/eat-drink/
11 The Purple Mango Brewery 294 Stephen Road Marrakai 0822 -12.764783 131.4675218 407739738 www.facebook.com/purplemangocafe mail@purplemangocafe.com.au www.purplemangocafe.com.au
12 The Purple Mango Cafe 294 Stephen Road Marrakai 0822 -12.764783 131.4675218 407739738 www.facebook.com/purplemangocafe mail@purplemangocafe.com.au www.purplemangocafe.com.au
13 Pee Wee's at the Point Lot 5770 Alec Fong Lim Drive Fannie Bay 0820 -12.411465 130.825061 889816868 info@peewees.com.au www.peewees.com.au
14 Oka Teppanyaki 34 Parap Road Parap 0820 -12.4317798 130.8437455 889415453 www.facebook.com/okateppanyaki reservations@okateppanyaki.com.au www.okateppanyaki.com.au/
15 Barra on Todd Restaurant and Bar Mercure Alice Springs Resort Alice Springs 0870 -23.7018903 133.8768733 889523523 https://www.facebook.com/AliceSpringsResort reservations@mercurealicesprings.com.au www.mercurealicesprings.com.au
16 Table Forty Three Mantra Pandanas Darwin 0800 -12.46123842 130.843091 889012900 pandanas.res@mantra.com.au www.mantrapandanas.com.au/dining/
17 Finz Restaurant and Bar Mantra on the Esplanade Darwin 0800 -12.46322887 130.8383489 889434333 www.mantra.com.au/northern-territory/darwin-and-surrounds/darwin/accommodation/hotels/mantra-on-the-esplanade/dining/
18 Lolas Pergola 48 Marina Boulevard Larrakeyah 0820 -12.4505662 130.8230132 889415711 info@lolaspergola.com.au www.lolas.net.au/
19 The Juicy Rump Lasseters Hotel Casino Alice Springs 0870 -23.71919692 133.8774848 889507777 www.facebook.com/thejuicyrump reservations.lhc@lasseters.com.au www.lhc.com.au
20 Lazy Lizard Tavern 299 Millar Terrace Pine Creek 0847 -13.82045296 131.8375897 889761019 lazylizardpinecreek@gmail.com www.lazylizardpinecreek.com.au/
21 Tali 93 Barrett Drive Desert Springs 0870 -23.7147696 133.8789507 889507733 https://www.facebook.com/taliatlasseters/?fref=ts info.lhc@lasseters.com.au www.lasseters.com.au/restaurants-bars/tali/
22 Katherine Country Club Pearce street Katherine 0850 -14.4683107 132.2606531 889721276 https://www.facebook.com/KCCNT admin@katherinecountryclub.com.au www.katherinecountryclub.com.au
23 Barra Bar and Bistro Barra Bar & Bistro Cooinda 0886 -12.9052565 132.5213502 889791500 reservations@yellowwater.com.au www.kakadutourism.com.au
24 Escarpment Restaurant and Bar Jabiru 0886 -12.666667 132.833333 889799000 rbm@crocodilehotel.com.au www.kakadutourism.com
25 il lido barpizza 19 Kitchener Drive Darwin 0800 -12.4680943 130.8464178 889410900 www.facebook.com/illidobar functions@illidodarwin.com.au www.illidodarwin.com.au/
26 Hot Tamale 19 Kitchener Drive Darwin 0800 -12.4680943 130.8464178 889815471 https://www.facebook.com/HotTamaleDarwin/ manager@hottamale.net.au www.hottamale.net.au
27 D Bar & Restaurant 81 Smith Street Darwin City 0800 -12.460461 130.83855 889425555 restaurant@hhotel.com.au www.hhotel.com.au
28 Hanuman Restaurant Darwin Holiday Inn Esplanade Darwin Complex Darwin 0800 -12.46075652 130.8368254 889413500 info@hanuman.com.au www.hanuman.com.au
29 Hanuman Restaurant Alice Springs Crowne Plaza Alice Springs Alice Springs 0870 -23.71514996 133.8800168 889537188 info@hanuman.com.au www.hanuman.com.au
30 The GrooveTrain Casuarina 247 Trower Road Casuarina 0810 -12.3749302 130.8815219 889274433 https://www.facebook.com/TheGrooveTrainCasuarina/ casuarina@groovetrain.com.au www.groovetrain.com.au
31 Gove Boat Club Melville Bay Nhulunbuy 0880 -12.19301766 136.7063355 889873077 admin@goveboatclub.com www.goveboatclub.com
32 Frying Nemo 10/ 90 Frances Bay Drive Stuart Park 0820 -12.4479765 130.84956 889812281 www.facebook.com/fryingnemodarwin nemo@fryingnemo.com.au www.fryingnemo.com.au
33 The Darwin Sailing Club Inc Atkins Drive Fannie Bay 0820 -12.42961966 130.8354306 889811700 https://www.facebook.com/TheDarwinSailingClub/ admin@dwnsail.com.au www.dwnsail.com.au
34 Darwin Trailer Boat Club 8 Atkins Drive Fannie Bay 0820 -12.4278799 130.8357753 889816749 https://www.facebook.com/Darwintrailerboatclub/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel events@dtbc.com.au www.dtbc.com.au
35 The Deck Eatery & Bar DoubleTree by Hilton Alice Springs Alice Springs 0870 -23.715158 133.880061 889508000 https://www.facebook.com/groups/AliceSpringsCommunityDiscussion/ TheDeck_AliceSprings@hilton.com www.doubletree3.hilton.com/en/hotels/northern-territory/doubletree-by-hilton-hotel-alice-springs-ASPDADI/dining/index.html
36 Dinah Beach Cruising Yacht Association 68 Frances Bay Drive Stuart Park 0820 -12.45144309 130.8496034 889817816 https://www.facebook.com/DBCYA/ manager@dbcya.com.au www.dbcya.com.au
37 Darwin Ski Club 20 Conacher Street Fannie Bay 0820 -12.433869 130.834477 889816630 www.facebook.com/pages/Darwin-Ski-Club/132657016776224 manager@darwinskiclub.com.au www.darwinskiclub.com.au
38 Darwin River Tavern 195 Darwin River Road Darwin River 0841 -12.7809847 130.9623208 889886044 https://www.facebook.com/DarwinRiverTavern/ Tavern@darwinriver.com.au www.darwinrivertavern.com.au
39 Daly Waters Historic Pub Stuart Street Daly Waters 0852 -16.2536692 133.3695066 889759927 dalywaterspub@bigpond.com www.dalywaterspub.com
40 Cox Country Club Cox Drive Wagait Beach 0822 -12.4286887 130.7419442 889785151 https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=cox%20country%20club%20inc&ref=eyJzaWQiOiIwLjM1NjIyOTQ1ODIwMTUyMTYzIiwicXMiOiJKVFZDSlRJeVkyOTRKVEl3WTI5MWJuUnllU1V5TUdOc2RXSWxNakJwYm1NbE1qSWxOVVEiLCJndiI6ImJlZTA5ZjkzZmE3MzJjZmE1OWExY2I2ZDlmNDUwZDM4OTI0MjRlNDkiLCJlbnRfaWRzIjpbXSwiYnNpZCI6Ijc0OGZjNDljNTNlZTYyNGNiYzA5MzQ5YjhmYmE1OWY2IiwicHJlbG9hZGVkX2VudGl0eV9pZHMiOm51bGwsInByZWxvYWRlZF9lbnRpdHlfdHlwZSI6bnVsbCwicmVmIjoiYnJfdGYiLCJjc2lkIjpudWxsLCJoaWdoX2NvbmZpZGVuY2VfYXJndW1lbnQiOm51bGwsImNsaWVudF90aW1lX21zIjoxNTUwNzg4Mzc1MzgxfQ&epa=SEARCH_BOX admin@coxcountryclub.com.au www.coxcountryclub.com.au/
41 The Coffee Club Darwin Waterfront 7 Kitchener Drive Darwin 0800 -12.4666314 130.846683 889410422 darwinwaterfront@coffeeclub.com.au www.coffeeclub.com.au
42 Sole Restaurant & Bar 622 Lee Point Road Lee Point 0810 -12.3429987 130.8935633 889448500 https://www.facebook.com/solerestaurantbar reservations@clubtropicalresortdarwin.com.au www.clubtropicalresortdarwin.com.au
43 Char Restaurant at Admiralty 70 The Esplanade Darwin 0800 -12.46494693 130.8401084 889814544 www.facebook.com/pages/Char-Restaurant/365941843741 reservations@chardarwin.com.au www.chardarwin.com.au
44 Cazalys Palmerston Club 10 Temple Terrace Palmerston 0830 -12.47996899 130.9870827 889328688 www.cazalysnt.com.au
45 Annas Restaurant 1 Paterson Street Tennant Creek 0860 -19.6533023 134.1885201 889622617 https://www.facebook.com/Annas-Restaurant-Bluestone-Motor-Inn-149954921706763/?fref=ts reservations@bluestonemotorinn.com.au www.bluestonemotorinn.com.au
46 Berry Springs Tavern 795 Cox Peninsula Rd Berry Springs 0837 -12.7007833 131.0156243 889886186 https://www.facebook.com/berryspringstavern/ manager@berryspringstavern.com www.berryspringstavern.com/
47 Bamboo Lounge 90 Frances Bay Drive Stuart Park 0820 -12.448017 130.8497508 889422501 https://www.facebook.com/BambooLoungeDarwin info@bamboolounge.com.au www.bamboolounge.com.au
48 Pira Pool Bar 163 Yulara Drive Yulara 0872 -25.23877302 130.9838355 889577417 travel@voyages.com.au www.ayersrockresort.com.au/around-the-resort/dining-and-bars/restaurants-and-bars
49 Ilkari Restaurant 163 Yulara Drive Yulara 0872 -25.238938 130.983122 889577417 travel@voyages.com.au www.ayersrockresort.com.au/around-the-resort/dining-and-bars/restaurants-and-bars
50 Arnguli Grill & Restaurant 77 Yulara Drive Yulara 0872 -25.2430078 130.9843066 889577714 travel@voyages.com.au www.ayersrockresort.com.au/around-the-resort/dining-and-bars/restaurants-and-bars
51 Bunya Bar 77 Yulara Drive Yulara 0872 -25.24380134 130.984495 889577417 travel@voyages.com.au www.ayersrockresort.com.au/around-the-resort/dining-and-bars/restaurants-and-bars
52 Pioneer BBQ and Bar 317 Yulara Drive Yulara 0872 -25.2431208 130.9903981 889577605 travel@voyages.com.au www.ayersrockresort.com.au/around-the-resort/dining-and-bars/restaurants-and-bars
53 Outback Pioneer Kitchen 317 Yulara Drive Yulara 0872 -25.24332459 130.9899904 889577605 travel@voyages.com.au www.ayersrockresort.com.au/around-the-resort/dining-and-bars/restaurants-and-bars
54 Ayers Wok Noodle Bar 127 Yulara Drive Yulara 0872 -25.24116792 130.9835107 1300134044 travel@voyages.com.au www.ayersrockresort.com.au/around-the-resort/dining-and-bars/restaurants-and-bars
55 Geckos Cafe 151 Yulara Drive Yulara 0872 -25.2399653 130.9832639 1300134044 travel@voyages.com.au www.ayersrockresort.com.au/around-the-resort/dining-and-bars/restaurants-and-bars
56 Kulata Academy Café 151 Yulara Drive Yulara 0872 -25.24142317 130.9836254 1300134044 travel@voyages.com.au www.ayersrockresort.com.au/around-the-resort/dining-and-bars
57 Seasons Restaurant All Seasons Alice Springs Oasis Alice Springs 0870 -23.703484 133.8808775 889521444 www.all-seasons-hotels.com/gb/hotel-3113-all-seasons-alice-springs-oasis/index.shtml
58 Alice Springs Brewing Co 39 Palm Circuit Ross 0873 -23.7329266 133.8671957 879044007 www.facebook.com/aspbco info@alicespringsbrewingco.com.au www.alicespringsbrewingco.com.au
59 Red Ochre Grill Restaurant Todd Mall Alice Springs 0870 -23.69983 133.882699 889529614 info@alicespringsaurora.com.au www.alicespringsaurora.com.au/red-ochre-grill/
60 The Bakery Alice Springs 11 Todd Street Alice Springs 0870 -23.6979223 133.8841101 437038041 info@alicebakery.com.au www.alicebakery.com.au
61 303 Bar and Diggers Bistro 106 Stuart Highway Adelaide River 0846 -13.2385951 131.1064585 889767047 https://www.facebook.com/adelaideriverinn/ adelaideriverinn@bigpond.com www.adelaideriverresort.com.au/
62 Finlay's Joint Pierssenne Road Yarrawonga -12.47022675 130.9909129
63 Karma Cafe and Fitness 12 Salonika St The Gardens 0820 -12.439809 130.8385491 449073902
64 Woks Up 108 Paterson Street Tennant Creek -19.643986 134.191771 889910183
65 Rocky's Pizza 151 Paterson Street Tennant Creek 0860 -19.642235 134.191183 889622049
66 Yogi's Way Shop 2, 9 Westralia Street Stuart Park -12.444763 130.842185 889000695
67 Cafe Central 1/ 29 Rossiter St Rapid Creek 0810 -12.379979 130.859569 435737740
68 Bent Bull Bar and Grill Stuart Hwy Pine Creek 0847 -13.8227137 131.8200463 889761169
69 The Cyclone Cafe 8 Urquhart St Parap 0820 -12.4305388 130.8449413 889411992
70 The Cheesecake Shop Shops 12 & 13, 34-36 Parap Road Parap 0 0 889815600
71 Q Bar and Braserie 152/12 Salonika St Parap 0820 -12.439809 130.8385491 889959588
72 Parap Tavern 15 Parap Road Parap -12.432971 130.8408003 889812191
73 Laneway Specialty Coffee 1 Vickers St Parap 0820 -12.431752 130.844521 889414511
74 Crust Shop 9 36 Parap Road Parap 0820 -12.431691 130.843765 889415500
75 The Bell Bar & Bistro ONE 27 Flynn, Corner of Chung Wah Tce and Forrest Parade Circuit, Bellamack, Northern Territory Palmerston -12.51277728 130.9792295 879178926
76 Rainmaker Cafe Zuccoli Plaza, Shop 11, Corner Zuccoli Parade & Crosby Street, Zuccoli Palmerston -12.506018 131.008767 889311424
77 Pulp Kitchen Unit 9, 130 University Ave Palmerston 0830 -12.480165 130.970369 889310300
78 Pizza Capers - Palmerston Oasis Shopping Village, Shop 38/15, Temple Terrace Palmerston -12.483611 130.985479 889310911
79 Oka Malaysian & Chinese Cuisine Shop T1, Bakewell Woolworths, 1 Mannikan Court, Bakewell Palmerston -12.499322 130.986567 889328080
80 Guzman y Gomez Corner of Chung Wah Terrace & Lambrick Avenue, Bakewell, Northern Territory Palmerston -12.49949034 130.9868581 879998000
81 Fresh Point Co. Cafe Shop 5-9, 127 Flynn Circuit, Bellamack, Northern Territory Palmerston -12.51254686 130.97966 889310539
82 Cafe@ ONE27flynn 125 Forrest Parade, Northern Territory, Palmerston Palmerston -12.51342029 130.9794215 889196282
83 Pizza Hut 15 Temple Terrace, Palmerston Palmerston City -12.483577 130.985459
84 Palmerston Tavern - Palmerston City 1110 Chung Wah Terrace Palmerston City 0830 -12.4804095 130.9831282 889321568
85 Mosko's Market 1, The Bloulevard, Near Palmerston Library, Goyder Square, Northern Territory Palmerston City 0830 -12.47897432 130.9837131 421304983
86 McDonald's Lambrick Avenue, Palmerston City, Darwin Palmerston City -12.500632 131.005478 879228100
87 Hog's Australia's Steakhouse Quest Palmerston, 18 The Boulevard Palmerston City 0 0 889310885
88 Covai Cafe 8/14 Palmerston Circuit Palmerston City -12.480654 130.984166 889321833 contactus@covaicafe.com.au
89 The Groove Cafe 4/35 Progress Dr Nightcliff 0810 -12.387757 130.8510873 889482773
90 The Foreshore Restaurant & Cafe 259 Casuarina Drive Nightcliff 0810 -12.377262 130.848676 889484488
91 Lucky Bat Cafe 3/7 Pavonia Place, Northern Territory Nightcliff 0 0 490815510 luckybatdarwin@gmail.com
92 Cucina Sotto Le Stelle Seabreeze Carpark Chapman Rd Nightcliff 0810 -12.3759569 130.8559499 449731490
93 Asian Gateway Thai Restaurant 58 Aralia St Nightcliff 0810 -12.379616 130.849025
94 Rapid Cafe 48 Trower Road Millner 0812 -12.3863342 130.8623563
95 Pizza Capers - Millner Shop 7, Diamand Village, 2 Sabine Road Millner 0812 -12.394771 130.862566
96 Memories of India Shop 5 2 Sabine Rd Millner 0812 -12.394771 130.862566
97 YOTS Greek Taverna 54 Marina Blvd Larrakeyah 0820 -12.451017 130.822618 889814433
98 Seafood on Cullen 55 Marina Blvd Larrakeyah 0820 -12.4511094 130.8213167 889814666
99 Lola's Pergola 48 Marina Blvd, Cullen Bay, Darwin Larrakeyah 0820 -12.450532 130.823264 889411141
100 Boardwalk Cafe@The Boatshed 54-56 Marina Blvd, Darwin Larrakeyah 0820 -12.4509216 130.8223065 889810200
101 The Finch Cafe CWA Hall, Katherine Terrace Katherine -14.464927 132.263054 889721990
102 Maiden's Lane Shop 5, 19 Crawford Street, Katherine East, Northern Territory Katherine -14.476712 132.286998 409475115
103 Mahogany Bar and Grill Katherine Terrace Katherine 0850 -14.465179 132.263712 889721022 catering@thestuarthotel.com.au
104 Domino's 7 Victoria Highway Katherine 0 0 889731210
105 Barra Cafe on Riverview 440 Victoria Highway Katherine -14.45210609 132.2715145 889722066
106 168 FoodBar and Cafe 8 Katherine Terrace Katherine 0850 -14.466886 132.264723 889712883
107 Domino's - Karama Shop R28 Karama Shopping Centre Karama 0812 -12.4015812 130.9159365 889270078
108 Ming Court 18 Jingili Terrace Jingili 0810 -12.389191 130.875449 889851755
109 Waterfront Bistro Atkins Dr Fannie Bay 0820 -12.4327291 130.8345456 889811700
110 Blue Marlin Bistro and Bar Darwin Trailer Boat Club, 8 Atkins Dr, Darwin Fannie Bay 0820 -12.4346306 130.8353345 889816749
111 Peewee's at the Point Alec Fong Lim Dr East Point 0820 -12.4114573 130.8245175 889816868
112 Salt n Peppa Cafe Ristorante 6/6 Woodlake Boulevarde Durack 0830 -12.4793813 130.9758784 889321818
113 Zambrero Darwin CBD Shop 34 & 35 Mitchell Centre, 55 Mitchell Street Darwin 0800 -12.463854 130.839937
114 Wisdom Bar and Cafe 48 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.4632692 130.8401414
115 Wharf One Food & Wine Building 3, 19 Kitchener Drive Darwin 0800 -12.46751842 130.8476006
116 Vietnamese Saigon Star 60 Smith St Darwin 0800 -12.462223 130.841358
117 Victoria Hotel 27 Smith St Darwin 0800 -12.4641874 130.8428355
118 Transit Oriental Take Away Shop 17 69 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.462853 130.8388759
119 Trampoline Gelato 21 Knuckey St Darwin 0800 -12.4630679 130.8412685
120 Tim's Surf and Turf 10 Litchfield St Darwin 0800 -12.462365 130.844231
121 The Tap On Mitchell 58 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.462333 130.839162
122 The Rabbithole 2/44 The Mall Darwin 0800 0 0
123 The Pearl 27 Smith St Darwin 0800 -12.4628198 130.8417694
124 The Office Espresso Bar 55 Cavenagh Street Darwin 0800 -12.459546 130.839993
125 The Lost Arc 89 Mitchell Street Darwin 0800 -12.461445 130.836701
126 The Fork and Dagger Bar and Grill First Floor Rydges Palmerston Darwin, 15 Maluka Drive Palmerston 0830 0 0
127 The Coffee Club - Mitchell Street - Darwin 42 / 59 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.464028 130.839266
128 The Chook Shed 90 Frances Bay Dr Darwin 0800 -12.448082 130.849945
129 The Cavenagh Hotel 12 Cavenagh Street Darwin 0800 -12.462972 130.844154
130 The Barra Bar 15 Knuckey Street Darwin 0800 -12.463446 130.840819
131 Thailicious Shop 26/69 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.46291361 130.8394583
132 Sweet Brew & Co- Dining Room 45 Stuart Highway, Stuart Park Darwin 0800 -12.448155 130.840631
133 Sumatra Cafe 38 Smith Street Darwin 0800 -12.463229 130.841782
134 Stone House 33 Cavenagh Street Darwin 0800 -12.461832 130.842104
135 Speakers Corner Cafe Parliament House, Mitchell Street Darwin 0800 -12.4619696 130.838628
136 Simply Foods 1b/32 The Mall 32 Smith St Darwin 0800 -12.4643118 130.8430028
137 Shenannigans Bar & Restaurant 1/69 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.4630253 130.8396034
138 Seoul Food 31 Woods St Darwin 0800 -12.4617647 130.8440492
139 Sari Rasa 6/24 Cavenagh St Darwin 0800 -12.46232 130.843482
140 Salvatore's Knuckey And Smith Streets Darwin 0800 -12.4629932 130.8416248
141 Ruby Mall 48-50 Smith St Darwin 0800 -12.4632957 130.8421531
142 Roma Bar 11 Cavenagh St Darwin 0800 -12.4633144 130.8439055
143 Roast and Noodle 328 38 Smith St Darwin 0800 -12.463229 130.841782
144 Rendezvous Cafe Star Arcade Smith St Mall Darwin 0800 -12.4628198 130.8417694
145 Precinct Tavern 7 Kitchener Dr Darwin 0800 -12.4704221 130.8450504
146 Outback Jacks Bar & Grill 28 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.464641 130.84194
147 Oka Teppanyaki Shop 11, 34 Parap Road, Parap Parap 0820 -12.431898 130.843626
148 Oishi Ya 55-59 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.464281 130.839692
149 Noodle House Mitchell 84 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.459905 130.837051
150 Nirvana 6 Dashwood Crescent Darwin 0800 -12.4556459 130.8348007
151 My Friend's Kitchen 3/52 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.462673 130.839868
152 Mr Sushi 48-50 Smith St Darwin 0800 -12.4632957 130.8421531
153 Moorish Cafe 37 Knuckey Street Darwin 0800 -12.46226508 130.8421469
154 Monsoons 46 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.4634696 130.8403127
155 Mellow Thai Restaurant and Cafe Shop 10, 69 Mitchell Street Darwin 0800 0 0
156 Manoli's Greek Taverna Shop 4, 64 Smith Street Darwin 0800 -12.4623691 130.8388709
157 Magic Wok Shop 20 Westlane Arcade Darwin 0800 -12.4628198 130.8417694
158 Little Miss Korea Austin Lane Darwin City 0800 -12.4626036 130.842202 889817092 info@littlemisskorea.com
159 Lime Cafe 7 Kitchener Drive, Darwin Waterfront Darwin 0800 -12.467419 130.846234
160 Lazy Susan's Eating House 9/21 Cavenagh Street Darwin 0800 0 0
161 Hotel Darwin 39 Mitchell Street Darwin 0800 -12.4646528 130.8413926
162 Hom Cafe Shop 10, 69 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.4630253 130.8396034
163 Go Sushi Train 5/28 Mitchell Street Darwin 0800 -12.45949939 130.8344436
164 Gloria Jean's Coffee 55/59 Mitchell Street Darwin 0800 -12.464028 130.839266
165 Frying Nemo 90 Frances Bay Dr Stuart Park 0820 -12.448082 130.849945
166 DoubleTree by Hilton Esplanade Darwin - Aqua DoubleTree by Hilton Esplanade Darwin, 116 The Esplanade Darwin 0800 -12.46219664 130.8370005
167 Dome 40 Henry Wrigley Dr Eaton 0820 0 0
168 City Pizza 39 Knuckey St Darwin 0800 -12.4620813 130.8423132
169 Chip 'n Fish Bar Kalbarri Shopping Centre, 69 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.4630253 130.8396034
170 Ben's Bakehouse & Cafe 26 Knuckey St Darwin 0800 -12.461371 130.843617
171 Bella Kay 48 Smith Street Darwin 0800 -12.4633908 130.8420561
172 Bamboo Lounge 17/90 Frances Bay Dr Darwin 0800 -12.44827558 130.8497094
173 Baker's Delight - Darwin 59 Mitchell Street Darwin 0800 -12.464028 130.839266
174 Bakers Delight - Darwin Shop 4, CBD Plaza, Smith St Darwin 0800 -12.4612685 130.8398287
175 Ayuriz 21 Knuckey st Darwin 0800 -12.4630822 130.8410954
176 Asian Pot Ground Fl, Darwin Central Hotel, 21 Knuckey St Darwin 0800 -12.4630822 130.8410954
177 Amazing Thailand 58 Mitchell St Darwin 0800 -12.462333 130.839162
178 Alfonsino’s Shop 20, 69 Mitchell Street Darwin 0800 -12.463122 130.839309
179 Darwin Airport Bar Henry Wrigley Dr Darwin International Airport 0820 -12.4015238 130.8781394
180 Airport Tavern - Darwin International Airport 227 McMillans Road Jingili 0810 -12.3946898 130.8773057 889854555
181 Domino's - Coolalinga Stuart Highway Coolalinga 0835 -12.5202118 131.0382957 889834295
182 Domino's - Coconut Grove Millner Village Plaza (Shop 2), 348 Bagot Road Coconut Grove 0810 -12.39257153 130.8573055 889855788
183 The Groove Train Shop 369, Casuarina Square, 247 Trower Road, Casuarina Casuarina 0810 -12.374606 130.8795163 889274433
184 Salsas Fresh Mex Grill - Casuarina 247 Trower Road Casuarina 0810 -12.3753126 130.880255 889459076
185 Red Rooster - Casuarina 289 Trower Road, Unit 1 Casuarina 0810 0 0 889280242
186 PappaRich GD 362, Casuarina Square, 247 Trower Road, Casuarina, NT Casuarina 0810 -12.374934 130.881525 889274481
187 Le Bistro Rakuya Casuarina Shopping Centre, Shop GD 018/247, Trower Road Casuarina -12.375873 130.881748 432148791 crystal.wong@nidus-aus.com
188 Jamaica Blue Casuarina Shopping Centre, Shop GD 116A, 247 Trower Road Casuarina 0810 -12.373772 130.881529 889271183
189 Hog's Australia's Steakhouse Casuarina Square Shopping Centre, Shop 370, 247 Tower Road Casuarina -12.37 130.9 889272444
190 Domino's - Casuarina Shop 1 283 Trower Rd Casuarina 0810 -12.371866 130.883397 889366222
191 Crust Shop GD, 380 Casuarina Square, 247 Trower Road, Casuarina Casuarina -12.376203 130.881789 879187222
192 Charlotte's Web - Darwin Chocolate Factory Unit 13, 17 Willes Road, Berrimah, Northern Territory Berrimah -12.442036 130.919122 889471510
193 Hingston Chinese Restaurant Shop 1 Anula Shopping Centre, Yanyula Dr Anula 0812 -12.3911652 130.8893218 889278088
194 Watertank Cafe 16b Wilkinson St Milner Road Alice Springs 0870 -23.7002104 133.8806114 889530655
195 Ross River Resort Ross Highway Hale 0872 -23.6945176 134.1972569 889569711
196 Domino's - Alice Springs Unit 2 1 Parsons St Alice Springs 0870 -23.6972087 133.8796951 889538255
197 Clancy's Coffee & Jaffle Van Cnr Stott & Railway Tce Alice Springs 0870 -23.7008967 133.8775135 422678485
198 Blue Moon Restaurant 17 Undoolya Road East Side 0870 -23.6967626 133.889425 889523568
199 Alice Market & Vietnamese 1900 Heffernan Road Alice Springs 0870 -23.7708657 133.9088432 889528396
200 Wangi Falls Cafe Wangi Falls, Litchfield National Park Darwin 0800 -13.16257094 130.681423 889781267 info@wangifallscafe.com.au https://www.wangifallscafe.com.au/
201 The Vue Gilruth Avenue Darwin 0800 -12.4451211 130.8338471 889438940 mbcr-fbreservations@delawarenorth.com https://www.mindilbeachcasinoresort.com.au/restaurants/the-vue
202 il Piatto Gilruth Avenue The Gardens 0820 -12.44874736 130.8320856 889438940 mbcr-fbreservations@delawarenorth.com https://www.mindilbeachcasinoresort.com.au/restaurants/il-piatto
203 Cove Gilruth Avenue Darwin 0800 -12.4451211 130.8338471 889438940 mbcr-fbreservations@delawarenorth.com https://www.mindilbeachcasinoresort.com.au/restaurants/cove
204 D Bar and Restaurant 81 Smith Street Darwin 0800 -12.46058 130.838382 https://www.hhotel.com.au/eat.html
205 Good Thanks 33 Knuckey Street Darwin 0800 -12.462282 130.842191 447566878 goodthanksdarwin@gmail.com https://www.goodthanksdarwin.com/
206 Fannie Bay Super Pizza Fannie Bay Plaza Fannie Bay -12.42402469 130.8366752 https://www.fanniebaysuperpizza.com/
207 Peninsula Bakery and Cafe 1351 Arnhem Road Nhulunbuy 0880 -12.1879831 136.7724068 889871114 www.facebook.com/pages/Peninsula-Bakery-and-Cafe/125890520823038 johncarter1@bigpond.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/Peninsula-Bakery-and-Cafe/125890520823038
208 Darwin Railway Social and Sports Club Somerville Gardens Parap 0820 -12.4338264 130.8448302 889814171 secretary@railwayexpress.org https://www.darwinrailwayclub.org/
209 Loong Fong Seafood Restaurant Rydges Darwin Airport Hotel Marrara 0812 -12.40606548 130.879612 1800451996 reservations_darwinairporthotel@rydges.com https://www.darwinairporthotels.com.au/en/dining/loong-fong-chinese-seafood-restaurant.html
210 Cool Spot Cafe - Fannie Bay 1 Keith Lane, Darwin Fannie Bay 0820 -12.4236288 130.8362229 889818428 info@coolspot.com.au https://www.coolspot.com.au/
211 Tali Wiru 77 Yulara Drive Yulara 0872 -25.243025 130.984495 1300134044 https://www.facebook.com/exploreuluru tours@voyages.com.au https://www.ayersrockresort.com.au/tali-wiru
212 Walpa Lobby Bar 174 Yulara Drive Yulara 0872 -25.2392311 130.9840544 889577417 https://www.ayersrockresort.com.au/around-the-resort/dining-and-bars/restaurants-and-bars
213 The Bough House Restaurant 1 Yulara Drive Yulara 0872 -25.2452632 130.9826676 889577605 https://www.ayersrockresort.com.au/around-the-resort/dining-and-bars/restaurants-and-bars
214 Saltwater Darwin Café Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Fannie Bay 0820 -12.4376339 130.8330811 422611619 https://www.facebook.com/Saltwater-Darwin-858192134373872/ functions@saltwaterdarwin.cafe https://saltwaterdarwin.cafe
215 Charlotte's Web Darwin Chocolate Factory 17 Willes Road Berrimah 0828 -12.4422417 130.9191289 889471510 https://www.facebook.com/darwinchocolatefactory/ kirsty.mcinnes@unoms.com.au https://darwinchocolatefactory.com.au/
216 Mitchell's Hilton Darwin Darwin 0800 -12.464436 130.841695 889820000 https://www.facebook.com/HiltonDarwin/ Mitchells_Restaurant_Darwin@hilton.com http://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/northern-territory/hilton-darwin-DRWHDHI/dining/index.html
217 Tandoori Vibes Shop 5 56 Smith Street Darwin 0800 -12.4625038 130.8416099 402798994 https://www.facebook.com/tandoorivibes/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel bookings@tandoorivibes.com.au http://www.tandoorivibes.com.au/
218 The OAK 31-33 Woods Street Darwin 0800 -12.461641 130.843686 889810888 elandarwin@theoaksgroup.com.au http://www.oakshotelsresorts.com/darwin-accommodation/oaks-elan-darwin/restaurants/
219 Montes Lounge Crn Todd Street and Stott Terrace Alice Springs 0870 -23.7018903 133.8768733 889524336 mulga@montes.net.au http://www.montes.net.au
220 Livingstone Recreation Reserve 35 Livingstone Road Livingstone 0822 -12.7350332 131.085166 419810926 https://www.facebook.com/groups/34mile/?ref=bookmarks lrr@iinet.net.au http://www.litchfield.nt.gov.au/gallery/livingstone-recreation-reserve
221 Humpty Doo Tavern Humpty Doo Shopping Centre Humpty Doo 0836 -12.57476381 131.1009908 889882550 humptydootavern@pubsnt.com http://www.humptydootavern.com/
222 Four Birds 32 Smith St Darwin 0800 -12.4642267 130.842902 408729708 http://www.fourbirds.com.au/
223 Monsoons 46 Mitchell Street Darwin City 0800 -12.4633576 130.8404844 889417171 https://www.facebook.com/MonsoonsDarwinNT/?hc_ref=SEARCH admin@monsoons.net.au http://monsoons.net.au/
224 The Goat and Bucket 93 Barrett Drive Desert Springs 0870 -23.7147696 133.8789507 889500200 https://www.facebook.com/goatandbucket/?fref=ts info@aspcc.com.au http://lasseters.com.au/restaurants-bars/the-goat-and-bucket/
225 Jump Inn Bar & Restaurant 4 Traeger Avenue The Gap 0870 -23.7076666 133.8775565 889291609 https://www.facebook.com/jumpinnalice/ bar@jumpinnalice.com http://jumpinnalice.com/bar-restaurant/
226 Frankie's Pizza Joint Paspalis Centrepoint, 50 Smith Street Mall Darwin 0800 -12.463344 130.842121 879700799 bookme@frankies0800.com http://frankies0800.com/
227 Fiddlers Green 19 Kitchener Drive Darwin City 0800 -12.4680943 130.8464178 889812222 http://fiddlersgreen.com.au/
228 Exotic North Indian Cuisine 2/52 Marina Boulevard Larrakeyah 0820 -12.45074 130.822862 889413396 info@exoticnorthindiancuisine.com.au http://exoticnorthindiancuisine.com.au/
229 Aqua Restaurant and Bar DoubleTree by Hilton Esplanade Darwin Darwin 0800 -12.461267 130.8359138 889800800 https://www.facebook.com/DoubletreebyHiltonHotelsDarwin/ esplanadedarwin.reservations@hilton.com http://doubletree3.hilton.com/en/hotels/northern-territory/doubletree-by-hilton-hotel-esplanade-darwin-DRWEDDI/dining/index.html
230 Poolside Restaurant and Bar DoubleTree by Hilton Darwin Darwin 0800 -12.460244 130.835483 889433600 https://www.facebook.com/DoubletreebyHiltonHotelsDarwin/ Poolside.Darwin@hilton.com http://doubletree3.hilton.com/en/hotels/northern-territory/doubletree-by-hilton-hotel-darwin-DRWDDDI/dining/index.html
231 Fran's Devonshire Tea House Stuart Highway Larrimah 0852 -15.57450473 133.2165563 889759945
232 La Beach Restaurant Shop 6 Cullen Bay 0820 -12.45015448 130.8226633 889417400 labeach@bigpond.com
233 Casa Nostra Restaurant Corner Undoolya Road and Sturt Terrace East Side 0870 -23.69761499 133.8875753 889526749 casanstra@bigpond.com
234 Fernandas Cafe and Restaurante 1 Noble Street Tennant Creek 0860 -19.644115 134.189827 889623999
235 Tennant Creek Memorial Club Inc 48 Schmidt Street Tennant Creek 0860 -19.647085 134.188208 889622474 memoclub@hotkey.net.au
236 Beachfront Hotel 342 Casuarina Drive Rapid Creek 0810 -12.37682935 130.8586693 889853000 beachfront@pubsnt.com
237 Emerald Springs Portion 721 Emerald Springs 0847 -13.63128572 131.6308236 889761169 emerald.springs@bigpond.com
238 Afternoon Tea at Burnett House 4 Burnett Place Larrakeyah 0820 -12.45083 130.829344 889810165
239 Incredible India Stokes Hill Road Darwin 0800 -12.4665447 130.8487077 889415250
240 Kims Fish n Chips 45 Stokes Hill Road Darwin 0800 -12.4714111 130.8465947 889816009
241 Fusion on the Wharf 45 Stokes Hill Road Darwin City 0800 -12.47069875 130.8485688 889810990
242 The Ice Cream Shop on the Wharf Stokes Hill Road Darwin 0800 -12.4665447 130.8487077 889419353
243 Crustaceans Steak and Seafood Restaurant Stokes Hill Road Darwin 0800 -12.4665447 130.8487077 889818658 info@crustaceans.net.au
244 The Jetty Darwin Restaurant Stokes Hill Road Darwin 0800 -12.4665447 130.8487077 889421500
245 Rum Jungle Tavern 5 Nurndina Street Batchelor 0845 -13.046377 131.028285 889760811 www.facebook.com/rumjungletavern manager@rumjungletavern.com.au
246 Thailicious 69 Mitchell Street Darwin City 0800 -12.4627755 130.8390609 889419966 https://www.facebook.com/thailiciousdarwin info@thailicious.com.au
247 Pigglys Takeaway 87 Gap Road The Gap 0870 -23.7187067 133.8713853 889523269 https://www.facebook.com/Pigglys-Supermarket-Takeaway-Bottle-shop-Alice-Springs-433675906818578/ admin@pigglys.com.au
248 De la Plage lot 9316 Darribah road Brinkin 0810 -12.3609287 130.86798 403623363 https://www.facebook.com/delaplage0810/ delaplage0810@gmail.com
249 Noonamah Tavern 1801 Stuart Highway Noonamah 0837 -12.627764 131.076228 889881054 www.facebook.com/noonamahtavern admin@noonamahtavern.com.au
250 Cathy’s Place Marina Boulevard Larrakeyah 0820 -12.4497342 130.8245883 889413434 zer.aust@gmail.com